HX Stomp Guitar Rigs

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  • All 5 electric guitar rigs for HX Stomp, each with 4 versatile scenes

  • Stereo amps and cabinets

  • An EQ block dedicated to adding life & realism to the cabinet blocks

  • A stereo gain boost in at the front of the signal chain to push the front of the amp models

  • A room reverb block

  • A high-cut to darken the overall tone

Rig 1 - Brit 30 Stomp

Consists of two “AC style” amps pushed to their point of breakup. The result is a clear, ‘mid-rangey’ tone that works great with transparent overdrives or boost pedals that push amps further into saturation.

  • All audio demos were recorded with an analog pedalboard featuring overdrive, delay, and reverb.

Rig 2 - CCM Stomp

This is a versatile rig inspired by the sounds of some of the most well known CCM and worship artists today.

  • All audio demos were recorded with an analog pedalboard featuring overdrive, delay, and reverb.

Rig 3 - Hills Stomp

This rig is Inspired by some of the most well known pioneers of P&W tone. It is bright, clear, and pairs well with a variety of guitars.

  • All audio demos were recorded with an analog pedalboard featuring overdrive, delay, and reverb.

Rig 4 - Sunday Stomp

This rig features “AC” and “Bassman” style amps that sound great when pushed. The tone is designed to be slightly darker and warmer and sits great in a full band mix.  

  • All audio demos were recorded with an analog pedalboard featuring overdrive, delay, and reverb.

Rig 5 - US Stomp

This rig is an excellent pedal platform, using two amps with a more neutral “American” design. There is less midrange breakup and more clean headroom.

  • All audio demos were recorded with an analog pedalboard featuring overdrive, delay, and reverb.